Occupational Cancers

We learn about child labor and other tales from our grim past of cancer and chimney sweep history—jobs can cause and have caused cancer.

  • The latency period means best case it takes a generation to figure out what causes cancer.

  • Kaiser Permenente Childhood Stress Study should be REQUIRED READING for parents so they know which childhood traumas to avoid: https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/childabuseandneglect/acestudy/about.html

  • Your job doesn’t give a shit about you: don’t work more than you are getting paid for.

  • If you are an executive, don’t work more than 40 hours and don’t expect any staff to work more than 40 hours.

  • Trauma is subjective.

  • Trauma changes your cells and DNA.

  • Be aware of how trauma fucks people up.

  • We are all responsible to minimize trauma in our own lives and the lives of others.

  • Ease up on the caffeine and smart phone / tv / technology distractions.